Committees of the supervisory board

Audit committee

The rules of procedure of the Supervisory Board provide that the Audit Committee, first set up in 2000, has a minimum of three and a maximum of five members chosen by the Supervisory Board from among its own members, including at least two thirds of independent members.

All members of the Audit Committee have the appropriate accounting, financial and auditing expertise, as evidenced by their past or current professional positions.

Its members are the following :

Members of Audit committeeDate of first appointmentExpiry date of appointment
Nicolas Houzé *, Chairman19 April 20182025
Björn Bauer, Member28 July 20202025
Marie Cheval*, Membre25 April 20232025

* Independent Member

The Audit Committee meets at least twice a year and has the following responsibilities:

– to review the annual financial statements prior to their submission to the Board;
– to monitor the relevance and consistency of the accounting principles and rules used for the preparation of the financial statements and to prevent any potential violation of these rules;
– to review the preliminary and interim results as well as the accompanying notes, prior to their publication,
– to monitor the financial reporting process and, if applicable, issue recommendations to safeguard its integrity and ensure the quality of the processes enables compliance with stock market regulations.
– as part of its review of the financial statements, to examine the scope of consolidation and, where relevant, the reasons for which companies are excluded from the scope.

– to issue a recommendation on the Statutory Auditors proposed for appointment by the general meeting to the Board. This recommendation is issued to the Supervisory Board. It also issues its recommendation on the renewal of the statutory auditor’s or auditors’ appointment;
– to monitor the completion by the Statutory Auditors of their assignment, taking into account the observations and findings of the H3C (French Statutory Auditors’ Supervisory Body) following the audits performed pursuant to Articles L. 821-9 and subsequent of the Commercial Code;
– to ensure compliance by the Statutory Auditors with the principles of independence, and to take all steps required to apply article 4-3 of Regulation (EU) No. 537/2014 (economic independence) and ensure compliance with the conditions of article 6 of this regulation.

– to assess the Company’s and its subsidiaries’ internal control systems with internal control officers;
– to review with them the response and action plans in the field of internal control, the findings of these responses and measures, and the action that is required of them;
– to monitor the efficiency of internal control and risk management systems, as well as of the internal audit where applicable, regarding the procedures related to the preparation and processing of accounting and financial information, without it affecting its independence.

– regularly review with the Executive Board of the Company the main risks to which the business is exposed as well as the significant off balance sheet commitments.

– to review and check the rules of procedure applicable to conflicts of interest, to the expenses of the management team members and to the identification and measurement of the main financial risks, as well as their application, and submit its assessment annually to the Board;
– during the review of the financial statements, probe any material transactions that could have generated conflict of interest.

– approve the service.

The Committee met 3 times in 2023. Its work included:

Regarding accounts and financial statements :

Regarding internal control and risk management :

Regarding sustainable Development :

The Committee reported on its work to the Supervisory Board, which was duly noted. Minutes of every meeting are prepared and approved at the following meeting.

The attendance rate of its members was 100% in 2023.

Remuneration and appointments committee

The rules of procedure of the Supervisory Board provide that the Remuneration and Appointments Committee, first set up in 2000, must be made up of a minimum of two and a maximum of five members, selected from the members of the Supervisory Board, of whom more than half are selected from the independent members. The member who represents employees is not counted in this percentage.

The members of the Remuneration and Appointments Committee are the following :

Nomination and Remuneration Committee membersDate of first appointmentExpiry date of appointment  
Marie Cheval *, Chairwoman19 April 20182025
Elmar Heggen, Member19 April 20182028
Nicolas Houzé *, Member25 April 20192025
Sophie de Bourgues**, Member5 November 20182026

* Independant Member
** Member representing employees

As defined in the rules of procedure, the Remuneration and Appointments Committee meets at least once a year and has the following responsibilities :

The Remuneration and Appointments Committee also regularly reviews succession issues relating to Executive Board members in order to be able to propose solutions to the Supervisory Board in the event of a vacancy.

The Committee reviews these issues at the end of each three-year term of office of the Executive Board, and more specifically in the year that precedes it.

The Committee met 2 times in 2023 and ruled on :

The Committee reported on its work to the Supervisory Board, which took note of it and followed all of the Committee’s recommendations.

The attendance rate of its members was 100% in 2023.


The role of the Committee will be to inform the Board about environmental, social and corporate issues. It is made up of :

Membres du Comité RSEDate de première nominationAnnée échéance du mandat
Sophie de Bourgues, Chairwoman**16 February 20212026
Elmar Heggen, Membre16 February 20212028
Marie Cheval, Membre*16 February 20212025

* Independent member: “Member are independent if they have no relationship with the company, its group or its management, of a nature to compromise their freedom of judgement”. (Source: Corporate Code of Governance for listed companies of December 2008, updated in November 2015, prepared by the AFEP-MEDEF).
** Member representing employees.

The Committee’s duties are as follows :

The Committee met once in 2023 and discussed the roll-out of M6 Group’s CSR action plan, which is structured around six roadmaps:

The Committee also studied the challenges related to the 2023 Non-Financial Performance Statement and the European Green taxonomy, as well as the challenges of the CSRD Directive applicable from 1 January 2025.

The attendance rate of its members was 100% in 2023.